We have had a crazy and fun month full of doctor visits and adventures.
For starters it was good old Springville's Art City Days. Unfortunately, I missed the deadline to enter Lily into the cute baby contest--your welcome other Springville babies I gave you a chance to win this year. We had fun walking around the booths and eating cotton candy.
Lily was rubbing her eyes raw so we took her into the doctor. She said it looks like Lil has some allergies and gave us some eye drops to try because while Lily is old enough to take Benedryl she does not weigh enough. The eye drops seem to be doing the trick and I have even used them to help with my itchy eyes too.
She had her last home check with Nurse Cindy on the 28th. She weighed in at 18 lbs 14 oz and 28 inches tall. Because Lily is doing so well Cindy said that she didn't need to come back unless we have any concerns. She also said that we probably don't need to adjust for her developmentantally any longer. There are just a few of the 12 month things that she is not doing yet, but she is very close.
Last weekend we ventured to St George for the weekend and I discovered why so many parents would rather just stay home with little ones. There was so much to pack it was crazy. It doesn't help that I am a crazy packer and take everything but the kitchen sink. Oh well it was worth it to go visit Grandma Janet. We celebrated her birthday with Grandma, Uncle Blake and Uncle Ray. It was fun to watch her and of course she cried a lot. Well she epitomized It's My Birthday and I WILL CRY if I WANT to.